
The Cranberry Genetics Lab, under the direction of Dr. Juan Zalapa, is committed
to being involved in the community and provide children and adults alike the
opportunity to experience science in a fun and engaging manner.




The Real Taste

This activity allows explorers to experience the natural acidic taste of pureAll Events
cranberry juice and compare it to the sweeter taste of cranberry cocktail juice.

Pure juice vs cocktail juice

There are some strong reactions to the intensity of the pure cranberry juice.





Sink or Swim

Participants of this activity learn why cranberries float in water and use that information
to guess if some other types of fruits and vegetables will sink or swim.



Stamp the Rainbow

In this activity, participants learn about the power of hydrogen (pH), test the acidity of multiple solutions,
perform acid-base reactions, and create a rainbow of colors using a simple, amazing cranberry fruit.
