B. Schlautman, G. Covarrubias-Pazaran, L. Diaz-Garcia, M. Iorizzo, J. Polashock, E. Grygleski, N. Vorsa, and J. Zalapa. Construction of a high-density American Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) composite map using genotyping-by-sequencing for multi-pedigree linkage mapping. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 7(4):1177–1189, April 2017. [ DOI ] |
Luis Diaz-Garcia, Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran, Brandon Schlautman, and Juan Zalapa. SOFIA: An R Package for Enhancing Genetic Visualization With Circos. Journal of Heredity, 108(4):443–448, April 2017. [ DOI ] |
Shawn A Steffan, Merritt E Singleton, Jayne Sojka, Elissa M Chasen, Annie E Deutsch, Juan E Zalapa, and Christelle Guédot. Flight Synchrony among the Major Moth Pests of Cranberries in the Upper Midwest, USA. Insects, 8(1):26, February 2017. [ DOI | http ] |
Heidi Hirsch, Johanne Brunet, Juan E Zalapa, Henrik von Wehrden, Matthias Hartmann, Carolin Kleindienst, Brandon Schlautman, Evsey Kosman, Karsten Wesche, Daniel Renison, and Isabell Hensen. Intra- and interspecific hybridization in invasive Siberian elm. Biological invasions, 19(6):1889–1904, 2017. [ DOI | http ] |
Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran, Luis Diaz-Garcia, Brandon Schlautman, Walter Salazar, and Juan Zalapa. Fragman: an R package for fragment analysis. BMC genetics, 17(1):62, April 2016. [ DOI | http ] |
Luis Diaz-Garcia, Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran, Brandon Schlautman, and Juan Zalapa. SOFIA: an R package for enhancing genetic visualization with Circos. bioRxiv, page 088377, 2016. [ DOI | http ] |
Annie E Deutsch, Cesar R Rodriguez-Saona, Juan E Zalapa, and Shawn A Steffan. Temperature-Mediated Development Thresholds of Sparganothis sulfureana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Cranberries. Environmental entomology, 44(2):400–405, April 2015. [ DOI | http ] |
Sara E Patterson, Jenny L Bolivar-Medina, Tanya G Falbel, Janet L Hedtcke, Danielle Nevarez-McBride, Andrew F Maule, and Juan E Zalapa. Are We on the Right Track: Can Our Understanding of Abscission in Model Systems Promote or Derail Making Improvements in Less Studied Crops? Frontiers in plant science, 6(442):1268, 2015. [ DOI | http ] |
Geoffrey Ecker, Juan Zalapa, and Carol Auer. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) Genotypes Differ between Coastal Sites and Inland Road Corridors in the Northeastern US. PloS one, 10(6):e0130414, 2015. [ DOI | http ] |
Annie E Deutsch, Cesar R Rodriguez-Saona, Vera Kyryczenko-Roth, Jayne Sojka, Juan E Zalapa, and Shawn A Steffan. Degree-Day Benchmarks for Sparganothis sulfureana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Development in Cranberries. Journal of economic entomology, 107(6):2130–2136, December 2014. [ DOI | http ] |
Karen Klotz Fugate, Diego Fajardo, Brandon Schlautman, Jocleita Peruzzo Ferrareze, Melvin D Bolton, Larry G Campbell, Eric Wiesman, and Juan Zalapa. Generation and Characterization of a Sugarbeet Transcriptome and Transcript-Based SSR Markers. The Plant Genome, 7(2):0, July 2014. [ DOI | http ] |
Diego Fajardo, Brandon Schlautman, Shawn Steffan, James Polashock, Nicholi Vorsa, and Juan Zalapa. The American cranberry mitochondrial genome reveals the presence of selenocysteine (tRNA-Sec and SECIS) insertion machinery in land plants. Gene, 536(2):336–343, February 2014. [ DOI | http ] |
Diego Fajardo, Brandon Schlautman, Shawn Steffan, James Polashock, Nicholi Vorsa, and Juan Zalapa. The American cranberry mitochondrial genome reveals the presence of selenocysteine (tRNA-Sec and SECIS) insertion machinery in land plants. Gene, 536(2):336–343, February 2014. [ DOI | http ] |
Diego Fajardo, Douglas Senalik, Mercedes Ames, Huayu Zhu, Shawn A Steffan, Rebecca Harbut, James Polashock, Nicholi Vorsa, Emily Gillespie, Kathy Kron, and Juan E Zalapa. Complete plastid genome sequence of Vaccinium macrocarpon: structure, gene content, and rearrangements revealed by next generation sequencing. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 9(2):489–498, 2013. [ DOI | http ] |
Johanne Brunet, Juan E Zalapa, Francesco Pecori, and Alberto Santini. Hybridization and introgression between the exotic Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila, and the native Field elm, U. minor, in Italy. Biological invasions, 15(12):2717–2730, 2013. [ DOI | http ] |
Juan E Zalapa, Hugo Cuevas, Huayu Zhu, Shawn Steffan, Douglas Senalik, Eric Zeldin, Brent McCown, Rebecca Harbut, and Philipp Simon. Using next-generation sequencing approaches to isolate simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci in the plant sciences. American journal of botany, 99(2):193–208, February 2012. [ DOI | http ] |
Hugo Cuevas, Jack Staub, and Juan Zalapa. Genome Mapping and QTL Analysis in Cucurbits. In Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Cucurbits, pages 238–285. Science Publishers, January 2012. [ DOI | http ] |
H Zhu, D Senalik, B H McCown, E L Zeldin, J Speers, J Hyman, N Bassil, K Hummer, P W Simon, and J E Zalapa. Mining and validation of pyrosequenced simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.). TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik, 124(1):87–96, 2012. [ DOI | http ] |
Yunwei Zhang, Juan Zalapa, Andrew R Jakubowski, David L Price, Ananta Acharya, Yanling Wei, E Charles Brummer, Shawn M Kaeppler, and Michael D Casler. Natural Hybrids and Gene Flow between Upland and Lowland Switchgrass. Crop Science, 51(6):2626–2641, November 2011. [ DOI | http ] |
Dawei Li, Hugo E Cuevas, Luming Yang, Yuhong Li, Jordi Garcia-Mas, Juan Zalapa, Jack E Staub, Feishi Luan, Umesh Reddy, Xiaoming He, Zhenhui Gong, and Yiqun Weng. Syntenic relationships between cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and melon (C. melo L.) chromosomes as revealed by comparative genetic mapping. BMC genomics, 12(1):396, August 2011. [ DOI | http ] |
Aurora Diaz, Mohamed Fergany, Gelsomina Formisano, Peio Ziarsolo, José Blanca, Zhanjun Fei, Jack E Staub, Juan E Zalapa, Hugo E Cuevas, Gayle Dace, Marc Oliver, Nathalie Boissot, Catherine Dogimont, Michel Pitrat, René Hofstede, Paul van Koert, Rotem Harel-Beja, Galil Tzuri, Vitaly Portnoy, Shahar Cohen, Arthur Schaffer, Nurit Katzir, Yong Xu, Haiying Zhang, Nobuko Fukino, Satoru Matsumoto, Jordi Garcia-Mas, and Antonio J Monforte. A consensus linkage map for molecular markers and quantitative trait loci associated with economically important traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.). BMC Plant Biology, 11(1):111, July 2011. [ DOI | http ] |
Yunwei Zhang, Juan E Zalapa, Andrew R Jakubowski, David L Price, Ananta Acharya, Yanling Wei, E Charles Brummer, Shawn M Kaeppler, and Michael D Casler. Post-glacial evolution of Panicum virgatum: centers of diversity and gene pools revealed by SSR markers and cpDNA sequences. Genetica, 139(7):933–948, July 2011. [ DOI | http ] |
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Cucurbits. 2011. [ http ] |
J E Zalapa, D L Price, S M Kaeppler, C M Tobias, M Okada, and M D Casler. Hierarchical classification of switchgrass genotypes using SSR and chloroplast sequences: ecotypes, ploidies, gene pools, and cultivars. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik, 122(4):805–817, 2011. [ DOI | http ] |
J E Staub, J D McCreight, and J E Zalapa. USDA 846-1 fractal melon and derived recombinant inbred lines. HortScience, 2011. [ http ] |
Angela Byars-Winston, Yannine Estrada, Christina Howard, Dalelia Davis, and Juan Zalapa. Influence of social cognitive and ethnic variables on academic goals of underrepresented students in science and engineering: a multiple-groups analysis. Journal of counseling psychology, 57(2):205–218, April 2010. [ DOI | http ] |
Juan E Zalapa, Johanne Brunet, and Raymond P Guries. The extent of hybridization and its impact on the genetic diversity and population structure of an invasive tree, Ulmus pumila (Ulmaceae). Evolutionary applications, 3(2):157–168, March 2010. [ DOI | http ] |
Juan E Zalapa, Johanne Brunet, and Raymond P Guries. Patterns of hybridization and introgression between invasive Ulmus pumila (Ulmaceae) and native U. rubra. American journal of botany, 96(6):1116–1128, June 2009. [ DOI | http ] |
H E Cuevas, J E Staub, P W Simon, and J E Zalapa. A consensus linkage map identifies genomic regions controlling fruit maturity and beta-carotene-associated flesh color in melon (Cucumis melo L.). TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik, 119(4):741–756, 2009. [ DOI | http ] |
Miriam K Paris, Juan E Zalapa, James D McCreight, and Jack E Staub. Genetic dissection of fruit quality components in melon (Cucumis melo L.) using a RIL population derived from exotic elite US Western Shipping germplasm. Molecular breeding, 22(3):405–419, 2008. [ DOI | http ] |
J E Zalapa, J Brunet, and R P Guries. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for red elm (Ulmus rubra Muhl.) and cross-species amplification with Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila L.). Molecular Ecology Resources, 2008. [ http ] |
H E Cuevas, J E Staub, P W Simon, J E Zalapa, and J D McCreight. Mapping of genetic loci that regulate quantity of beta-carotene in fruit of US Western Shipping melon (Cucumis melo L.). TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik, 117(8):1345–1359, 2008. [ DOI | http ] |
Juan E Zalapa, Jack E Staub, and J D McCreight. Variance component analysis of plant architectural traits and fruit yield in melon. Euphytica, 162(1):129–143, December 2007. [ DOI | http ] |
J E Zalapa, J E Staub, J D McCreight, S M Chung, and H Cuevas. Detection of QTL for yield-related traits using recombinant inbred lines derived from exotic and elite US Western Shipping melon germplasm. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik, 114(7):1185–1201, 2007. [ DOI | http ] |
Jack E Staub and Juan Zalapa. THE INCORPORATION OF THE FRACTAL GROWTH HABIT INTO WESTERN SHIPPING MELON. HortScience, 40(3):889–890, June 2005. [ http ] |
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- Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6dcgKH8AAAAJ&hl=en